
McCandless Retracts Offer (#3)

Below is the reply, to my previous e-mail, as received from J McCandless. She responded to me, within a couple of hours, by posting her apology and retraction (as contained in her second e-mail to BusinessWeek Online) and then forwarded that on to me without further comment.


From: "JMcCandless"

To: "[blogger's e-mail address]"
Subject: Fw: Respond to a story in BusinessWeek Magazine
(John Carey's article about vaccines/Lilly)
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 00:52:48

----- Original Message -----
From: "BusinessWeek Online Letters Auto-response"
To: ; "M.D."
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 12:21 AM
Subject: Respond to a story in BusinessWeek Magazine
(John Carey's article about vaccines/Lilly)

Dear Reader:

Thank you for your interest in BusinessWeek and BusinessWeek Online.
Your comments have been sent to the appropriate department and will
be reviewed as soon as possible.

BusinessWeek Online

This is an automatic response. Please do not reply to this email.
The original online form submission was completed on Wednesday,
January 8, 2003 at 03:21:45,
subject: John Carey's article about vaccines/Lilly
from: Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D. (JMcCandless@...).
address: 21800 Marylee St. #48
city: Woodland Hills
state: California
postal code: 91367
country: USA
phone: 818-716-0565
do not print my email address: checkbox = ON
comment_type: Respond to a story in BusinessWeek Magazine

Dear Editor:

I responded (by letter to editor on Jan. 4) in anger to Mr. Carey's
article indicating why he thought the rider to
deny parents the right
to sue Lilly for thimerosal injuries was a good

Though I stand by all my article up to the p.s. part, I want to retract
the statement that I (or certainly any other physician) would happily
inject him with a weight-equivalent amount of thimerosal that our newborns have
received. Since I do know that thimerosal is a severe neurotoxin (with
delayed but permanent effects), I as a physician would never knowingly
inject it into any living creature. I daily see the devastation this
has caused in the lives of my patients.

Please forgive me for my hasty and
sensational reply, though I would
be very surprized and pleased if you
actually had the courage to print it.
However, I would hope you would
be willing to consider writing a fair article
on the vaccine controversy
from the point of view of the thousands of
rents who are struggling with the disorder of autism in their
children, and not just from a point of view of protecting Big Pharma.

It is
deplorable that profits take precedence over the health of our
children, and there is no doubt that the "thimerosal" decade will go
down as a black
period in the history of American medicine.

Actually what we need more
than blame is enlightenment and clinics
where these children can be treated;
the longer the denial is supported
the longer it will take for proper
diagnostic and treatment facilities to be
made available to these children.

McCandless, M.D.



Message to McCandless: Acceptance of Offer (#2)

Since McCandless had put forth the offer to Carey, a journalist, and lifted the "restriction" on one's needing to be a vaccine-providing physician, a sometimes blogger decided to respond and accept McCandless's challenge.


Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 18:22:40

From: [sender's valid e-mail address]
Subject: Standing offer to physicians & now to BW journalist
To: JMcCandless@p...

Dr McCandless:

With utmost sincerity, I would like to take you and
your group up on the "standing offer" (see below)
since it's now been offered to a non-physician and a

How can we go about proceeding? I will, of course,
sign a "hold harmless" agreement, etc. I would, in
turn, like the opportunity to write about my
experience .... but will agree to sign confidentiality
agreements, etc.

I would write more and include my phone and other
details, but I'm not certain as to whether this is
your correct e-mail address. I do live [...].

Please let me know; and thank-you.


Standing Offer:

p.s. Mr. Carey might be interested to know that a very
large financial offer has been standing for several
years to any physician administering these shots who
would be willing to submit to an injection of
thimerosal adjusted for his/her weight equivalent to
what our newborns received. It has never been taken
up by anyone. Perhaps if your editorialist would like
to demonstrate his belief that these suits are
"frivolous," I and many other physicians working with
these stricken children would be happy to administer
the injection to him.


McCandless's Thimerosal Offer (#1)

Contained below is an on-line letter* by DAN! Doctor J McCandless written in response to an article appearing in the January 13, 2003 edition of BusinessWeek by journalist John Carey.

Specifically note the P.S. -- which contains an offer by McCandless to "inject" Carey with thimerosal.

Dear Business Week:

John Carey needs some education about autism and a lesson in economics. Excellent epidemiological studies show an exponential rise in autism rates starting in 1991 when the thimerosal-laden Hep B was mandated for every newborn. Each autistic person's lifetime cost of medical, educational, and custodial care costs 2 million dollars, not to mention untold pain and grief for the child, family, and society.

It is
blatantly obvious that Lilly bought government protection for their criminally withholding information that thimerosal was indeed a serious neurotoxin years before it finally got removed from newborn Hep B vaccines.

For the children who have been brain-damaged by thimerosal, early treatment might prevent ruined lifetimes for thousands. There is now estimated to be more than 600,000 autistics in our country, some whose families are mortgaging their homes to get adequate medical and educational services for their children. The incremental rate rises are likely to continue until all the children born before late 2001 (when thimerosal was finally removed from the newborn vaccine) have been diagnosed, perhaps another 3 or 4 years, since 40% are not diagnosed until they go to school. Flawed studies (done by researchers paid by pharmaceutical companies) indicating thimerosal does not go to the brain are only stalling the truth longer. When mercury-poisoned children are treated with oral chelation agents to remove mercury (which we see pouring out in our urine laboratory studies) and make eye contact or speak words for the first time sometimes within days of starting treatment, it is clear what mercury does to the brain.

If Lilly spent a fourth of what they contributed to the Republican party to set up diagnostic and treatment clinics for these kids, billions of dollars would be saved, as early intervention is imperative. Stricken families do not want revenge, they want the ability to afford proper care for their children.

Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D.,
Autism Specialist (with a -year waiting list) and author of "Children with Starving Brains - A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder" published by Bramble Books, Sept 2002 (1st edition sold out, 2nd edition available in March 2003)

p.s. Mr. Carey might be interested to know that a very large financial offer has been standing for several years to any physician administering these shots who would be willing to submit to an injection of thimerosal adjusted for his/her weight equivalent to what our newborns received. It has never been taken up by anyone. Perhaps if your editorialist would like to demonstrate his belief that these suits are "frivolous," I and many other physicians working with these stricken children would be happy to administer the injection to him


*from: Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D. (e-mail address removed)
in response to article
address: 21800 Marylee St. #48
city: Woodland Hills
state: CA
postal code: 91367: USA
comment_type: Respond to a story in
BusinessWeek Magazine


Rashid Recap - 'yer not famous enuf' (#7)

A few things to keep in mind:

1. Said Challenger was serious.
2. Said Challenger is well-educated.
3. Said Challenger considers Rashid bordering on being or becoming
"infamous" and not, as the office manager claimed, "well-known".
4. Said Challenger does not want to be verbally harassed by fans of Rashid; said Challenger just merely wanted to point out that his/her offer to Rashid was dismissed out-of-hand and in a rather disparaging manner.
5. No attempt was made to contact the Challenger to have a discussion over the terms. No attempt was made to discern the "fame level" of said Challenger.
6. Said Challenger considers Rashid's Thimerosal Challenge to be in bad faith, bogus, and balderdash.


Rashid Retracts: "there is NO challenge" (#6)

Rashid rejects the challenger and retracts his offer:

Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:09:24 -0400
From: drbuttarclinic@a...

Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only/RESENDING
To: xxx_zzz@yyyy.com

[First Initial_Last Name],

Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots in the world that are willing to do stupid things. We are looking for a big advocate of thimersol, someone high up in the FDA, the CDC, the NIH...governmental official or well known scientist. It must be someone that KNOWS what the effects of mercury are... such as a doctor or government official that know the truth. The person has to be at least as well known as Dr. Buttar.

If you do not have a title or recognition, then there is NO challenge. Dr. Buttar is willing to do this very risky challenge, but not when it is wasted on someone that is not known.

T[....] D.

Buttar Challenge: ON or OFF? (#5)

The sender waited patiently for a reply from Rashid, before sending a follow-up e-mail querying as to whether Rashid would keep his word and accept his own challenge:

Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:00:16
From: [same sender]

Subject: Fwd: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only/RESENDING
To: drbuttarclinic@...




Rashid's Challenge Accepted ... again (#4)

Reply sent to Rashid as follows:

Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:39:54
From: [same sender]

Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only

***** CONFIDENTIAL for Rashid ONLY *******

Dear Rashid:

I am taking you up on your offer. I will not deal, at this point, with intermediaries.

Your challenge was made to "anyone" and I accept.

You may reach me via cell at: XXX YYY ZZZZ [sender's personal cell provided]

You may address me as: Title_ Last Name [sender's contact name provided]

Most Sincerely,

[Signed by Sender]

Rashid Replies (#3)

Rashid's office manager replies to the Thimerosal Challenge Offer:

Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:27:57
Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only

[Sender's Initials],

My first question to you is, who are you? Dr. Buttar prefers a GOVERNMENTAL or a MEDICAL person to do this challenge with. If you are in one of these groups and are serious about the challenge, we will be happy to arrange this. We will need to allow enough time for the media to be notified. Their will be a number of stipulations but we will go into more detail at a later time. I am looking forward to your reply.


T[....] D.
Office Manager

Rashid's Public Thimerosal Challenge - accepted (#2)

First in a series of several e-mails sent to Buttar in acceptance of his public challenge:

Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:13:07
From: [valid e-mail address]
Subject: Public Thimerosal Challenge
To: drbuttarclinic@...


I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge.
Please let me know how to proceed.

[Name Provided]


No repies were received to the several e-mails sent to a vaild e-mail address for Rashid Buttar over a period of several days.

Another example follows here:

Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:47:26
From: [sender's e-mail address]
Subject: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only
To: drbuttarclinic@...

***** Confidential ******

Rashid: I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge. Please reply with instructions as to how to proceed.

[Signed by Sender]


"But I will tell you this my friend.... I will publicly take thimerosal into my body, either orally, transdermally or through an injection, the same ratio of thimerosal into my body as a child gets, along side ANYONE who opposes the argument of thimerosal. [...] Thus, we BOTH take the same amount. Only difference will be that I will take theTD-DMPS or IV DMPS. And they will not. If anyone wishes to take me up on this challenge, I am willing, any time, any place. But it must be televised. If they believe thimerosal is safe, then they should take it. I know it's dangerous as you do, but I will take it as well, since l have access to my own treatment (which I will administer immediately and continue to do so, just between you and I). Actually, I need to collect the data anyway to find out what happens with that large of a dose in an adult so it will be worth just collecting the data on myself and documenting i twith our standard urine, hair, fecal and RBC metal toxicity testing."

- Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM

Buttar's Thimerosal Offer (#1)

Rashid Buttar's Thimerosal Offer as posted by Pat Sullivan, Jr on his father's blog:


"But I will tell you this my friend.... I will publicly take thimerosal into my body, either orally, transdermally or through an injection, the same ratio of thimerosal into my body as a child gets, along side ANYONE who opposes the argument of thimerosal. [bolding emphasis is mine] Thus, we BOTH take the same amount. Only difference will be that I will take the TD-DMPS or IV DMPS. And they will not. If anyone wishes to take me up on this challenge, I am willing, any time, any place. But it must be televised. If they believe thimerosal is safe, then they should take it. I know it's dangerous as you do, but I will take it as well, since l have access to my own treatment (which I will administer immediately and continue to do so, just between you and I). Actually, I need to collect the data anyway to find out what happens with that large of a dose in an adult so it will be worth just collecting the data on myself and documenting it with our standard urine, hair, fecal and RBC metal toxicity testing."
