
McCandless's Thimerosal Offer (#1)

Contained below is an on-line letter* by DAN! Doctor J McCandless written in response to an article appearing in the January 13, 2003 edition of BusinessWeek by journalist John Carey.

Specifically note the P.S. -- which contains an offer by McCandless to "inject" Carey with thimerosal.

Dear Business Week:

John Carey needs some education about autism and a lesson in economics. Excellent epidemiological studies show an exponential rise in autism rates starting in 1991 when the thimerosal-laden Hep B was mandated for every newborn. Each autistic person's lifetime cost of medical, educational, and custodial care costs 2 million dollars, not to mention untold pain and grief for the child, family, and society.

It is
blatantly obvious that Lilly bought government protection for their criminally withholding information that thimerosal was indeed a serious neurotoxin years before it finally got removed from newborn Hep B vaccines.

For the children who have been brain-damaged by thimerosal, early treatment might prevent ruined lifetimes for thousands. There is now estimated to be more than 600,000 autistics in our country, some whose families are mortgaging their homes to get adequate medical and educational services for their children. The incremental rate rises are likely to continue until all the children born before late 2001 (when thimerosal was finally removed from the newborn vaccine) have been diagnosed, perhaps another 3 or 4 years, since 40% are not diagnosed until they go to school. Flawed studies (done by researchers paid by pharmaceutical companies) indicating thimerosal does not go to the brain are only stalling the truth longer. When mercury-poisoned children are treated with oral chelation agents to remove mercury (which we see pouring out in our urine laboratory studies) and make eye contact or speak words for the first time sometimes within days of starting treatment, it is clear what mercury does to the brain.

If Lilly spent a fourth of what they contributed to the Republican party to set up diagnostic and treatment clinics for these kids, billions of dollars would be saved, as early intervention is imperative. Stricken families do not want revenge, they want the ability to afford proper care for their children.

Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D.,
Autism Specialist (with a -year waiting list) and author of "Children with Starving Brains - A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder" published by Bramble Books, Sept 2002 (1st edition sold out, 2nd edition available in March 2003)

p.s. Mr. Carey might be interested to know that a very large financial offer has been standing for several years to any physician administering these shots who would be willing to submit to an injection of thimerosal adjusted for his/her weight equivalent to what our newborns received. It has never been taken up by anyone. Perhaps if your editorialist would like to demonstrate his belief that these suits are "frivolous," I and many other physicians working with these stricken children would be happy to administer the injection to him


*from: Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D. (e-mail address removed)
in response to article
address: 21800 Marylee St. #48
city: Woodland Hills
state: CA
postal code: 91367: USA
comment_type: Respond to a story in
BusinessWeek Magazine

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