
Rashid's Public Thimerosal Challenge - accepted (#2)

First in a series of several e-mails sent to Buttar in acceptance of his public challenge:

Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:13:07
From: [valid e-mail address]
Subject: Public Thimerosal Challenge
To: drbuttarclinic@...


I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge.
Please let me know how to proceed.

[Name Provided]


No repies were received to the several e-mails sent to a vaild e-mail address for Rashid Buttar over a period of several days.

Another example follows here:

Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:47:26
From: [sender's e-mail address]
Subject: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only
To: drbuttarclinic@...

***** Confidential ******

Rashid: I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge. Please reply with instructions as to how to proceed.

[Signed by Sender]


"But I will tell you this my friend.... I will publicly take thimerosal into my body, either orally, transdermally or through an injection, the same ratio of thimerosal into my body as a child gets, along side ANYONE who opposes the argument of thimerosal. [...] Thus, we BOTH take the same amount. Only difference will be that I will take theTD-DMPS or IV DMPS. And they will not. If anyone wishes to take me up on this challenge, I am willing, any time, any place. But it must be televised. If they believe thimerosal is safe, then they should take it. I know it's dangerous as you do, but I will take it as well, since l have access to my own treatment (which I will administer immediately and continue to do so, just between you and I). Actually, I need to collect the data anyway to find out what happens with that large of a dose in an adult so it will be worth just collecting the data on myself and documenting i twith our standard urine, hair, fecal and RBC metal toxicity testing."

- Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM

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