Rashid Recap - 'yer not famous enuf' (#7)
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Said Challenger was serious.
2. Said Challenger is well-educated.
3. Said Challenger considers Rashid bordering on being or becoming
"infamous" and not, as the office manager claimed, "well-known".
4. Said Challenger does not want to be verbally harassed by fans of Rashid; said Challenger just merely wanted to point out that his/her offer to Rashid was dismissed out-of-hand and in a rather disparaging manner.
5. No attempt was made to contact the Challenger to have a discussion over the terms. No attempt was made to discern the "fame level" of said Challenger.
6. Said Challenger considers Rashid's Thimerosal Challenge to be in bad faith, bogus, and balderdash.
Rashid Retracts: "there is NO challenge" (#6)
Rashid rejects the challenger and retracts his offer:
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:09:24 -0400
From: drbuttarclinic@a...
Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only/RESENDING
To: xxx_zzz@yyyy.com
[First Initial_Last Name],
Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots in the world that are willing to do stupid things. We are looking for a big advocate of thimersol, someone high up in the FDA, the CDC, the NIH...governmental official or well known scientist. It must be someone that KNOWS what the effects of mercury are... such as a doctor or government official that know the truth. The person has to be at least as well known as Dr. Buttar.
If you do not have a title or recognition, then there is NO challenge. Dr. Buttar is willing to do this very risky challenge, but not when it is wasted on someone that is not known.
T[....] D.
Buttar Challenge: ON or OFF? (#5)
The sender waited patiently for a reply from Rashid, before sending a follow-up e-mail querying as to whether Rashid would keep his word and accept his own challenge:
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:00:16
From: [same sender]
Subject: Fwd: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only/RESENDING
To: drbuttarclinic@...
Rashid's Challenge Accepted ... again (#4)
Reply sent to Rashid as follows:
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:39:54
From: [same sender]
Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only
To: drbuttarclinic@...
***** CONFIDENTIAL for Rashid ONLY *******
Dear Rashid:
I am taking you up on your offer. I will not deal, at this point, with intermediaries.
Your challenge was made to "anyone" and I accept.
You may reach me via cell at: XXX YYY ZZZZ [sender's personal cell provided]
You may address me as: Title_ Last Name [sender's contact name provided]
Most Sincerely,
[Signed by Sender]
Rashid Replies (#3)
Rashid's office manager replies to the Thimerosal Challenge Offer:
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 16:27:57
From: drbuttarclinic@...
Subject: Re: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only
To: sender@...com
[Sender's Initials],
My first question to you is, who are you? Dr. Buttar prefers a GOVERNMENTAL or a MEDICAL person to do this challenge with. If you are in one of these groups and are serious about the challenge, we will be happy to arrange this. We will need to allow enough time for the media to be notified. Their will be a number of stipulations but we will go into more detail at a later time. I am looking forward to your reply.
T[....] D.
Office Manager
Rashid's Public Thimerosal Challenge - accepted (#2)
First in a series of several e-mails sent to Buttar in acceptance of his public challenge:
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:13:07
From: [valid e-mail address]
Subject: Public Thimerosal Challenge
To: drbuttarclinic@...
I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge.
Please let me know how to proceed.
[Name Provided]
No repies were received to the several e-mails sent to a vaild e-mail address for Rashid Buttar over a period of several days.
Another example follows here:
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:47:26
From: [sender's e-mail address]
Subject: Thimerosal Challenge: CONFIDENTIAL to RASHID only
To: drbuttarclinic@...
***** Confidential ******
Rashid: I will gladly take you up on your thimerosal challenge. Please reply with instructions as to how to proceed.
[Signed by Sender]
"But I will tell you this my friend.... I will publicly take thimerosal into my body, either orally, transdermally or through an injection, the same ratio of thimerosal into my body as a child gets, along side ANYONE who opposes the argument of thimerosal. [...] Thus, we BOTH take the same amount. Only difference will be that I will take theTD-DMPS or IV DMPS. And they will not. If anyone wishes to take me up on this challenge, I am willing, any time, any place. But it must be televised. If they believe thimerosal is safe, then they should take it. I know it's dangerous as you do, but I will take it as well, since l have access to my own treatment (which I will administer immediately and continue to do so, just between you and I). Actually, I need to collect the data anyway to find out what happens with that large of a dose in an adult so it will be worth just collecting the data on myself and documenting i twith our standard urine, hair, fecal and RBC metal toxicity testing."
- Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM
Buttar's Thimerosal Offer (#1)
Rashid Buttar's Thimerosal Offer as posted by Pat Sullivan, Jr on his father's blog:
"But I will tell you this my friend.... I will publicly take thimerosal into my body, either orally, transdermally or through an injection, the same ratio of thimerosal into my body as a child gets, along side ANYONE who opposes the argument of thimerosal. [bolding emphasis is mine] Thus, we BOTH take the same amount. Only difference will be that I will take the TD-DMPS or IV DMPS. And they will not. If anyone wishes to take me up on this challenge, I am willing, any time, any place. But it must be televised. If they believe thimerosal is safe, then they should take it. I know it's dangerous as you do, but I will take it as well, since l have access to my own treatment (which I will administer immediately and continue to do so, just between you and I). Actually, I need to collect the data anyway to find out what happens with that large of a dose in an adult so it will be worth just collecting the data on myself and documenting it with our standard urine, hair, fecal and RBC metal toxicity testing."